Overall, as it stands, if I do come back, it won't be till the hype dies down. I understand rushes and such happen, but a little communication could go a long way. I ordered my food well in advance, and had a specific pickup time, but I still waited almost 20 minutes in the cold for my food.

The real turnoff was how much of a pain it was to get the food. The Dough Doughs were great, but it's deep fried bread laced with butter and covered in sugar, what's not to love? The biscuits and chicken could have been revolutionary, but you can't tell through the half a cup of mayonnaise they put on it. It is owned by Austin locals Ryan McElroy and Brian Batch. I love a good sauce as much as the next guy, but drowning a sandwich in it makes it harder to eat, and in my opinion overpowers the rest of the sandwich. Like the original Bird Bird Biscuit on Manor Road, the new location specializes in fried chicken biscuits and other comfort food items. Chicken was done perfectly, I have absolutely no qualms about that. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
#Bird bird biscuit cracked
The Queen Beak wasn't bad, but really wasn't all it was cracked up to be. 6 Antique PA Tin Biscuit Cookie Cutters Heart, Eagle, Cat, Rabbit, Bird & Round.

I got the Queen Beak and a thing of dough doughs. There has been a lot of hype about Bird Bird Biscuit, and I finally decided to take the trip across town and see what it's about. It is really hard to pick an aspect of this job which is most enjoyable, but to me I would say the freedom of being able to express myself fully as a hardworking dedicated member of the team and also work with many other with the same mindset was my most enjoyable part of working for Bird Bird Biscuit.TLDR: Not a bad place, but a lot of hassle for what you get. However I personally believe the pay will increase overtime as things are fine tuned, and the business grows. A lot of care and hard work is put into that restaurant but unfortunately they are still very young. The hardest part of the job was the low pay relative to similar jobs in the area. Management + the owners were often in the building working closely with employees in training, and during normal shifts but they still allowed the culture to grow on its own without it seeming like they were micromanaging everyone. I think I can speak for my old co-workers when I say that what we care about most at Bird Bird is the final product in the customers hands this shared mindset created a common goal between us, and made everything flow really nicely. I had a lot of space to master my craft difficult situations presented themselves at random as they normally would in your typical restaurant, and luckily my co-workers were always focused on resolving/understanding situations instead of letting ego get involed. On any given day I would all stations such as flat top, dredge, expo, assembly, register, prep, and so on at either of the two restaurant locations. With places like Sour Duck Market offering compelling affordable options (albeit higher priced) Bird Bird Biscuit just might fill a niche for that fast casual with a sincere emphasis on quality. Great work environment all around, lots of opportunity for growth. Bird Bird Biscuit looks like a serious contender to stick around in the ever changing and growing East Austin restaurant landscape.